Friday, August 14, 2009


For years I've felt compelled to write. Having never had any, or very little, formal training in the area, I thought of a myriad of reasons why not too. Still, the desire and ideas swelled inside of me until I finally decided that I would attempt a novel. That decision turned out to be the easiest part of the process. Brainstorming, outlining, and actually writing, all while following the call of a special education teacher and attempting to keep my house clean, are grueling. Turns out this writing business is a marathon - one that I'm committed to. In response to the long, uphill path I've chosen to follow, I began desiring an outlet to fulfill my desire for short-term gratification. Ideas come and go, usually during inconvenient moments, and few of them apply to the current phase of my novel. Nothing immediately came to mind.

More recently my mom and I were eating at a new bagel and crepe place in Puyallup called Bagel Boyz Bistro. The story of the four recent high school graduates who worked to open the restaurant, as well as the concept, piqued my curiosity. As we sampled their crepes and discussed what worked and what could be improved, I wondered at the lack of a food critic in the local newspaper.

The following week saw record heat. For the first time since leaving California I experienced temperatures above 100. Jeremy and I quickly responded favorably to his parent's invitation to stay the night in their air-conditioned abode. Standing in the bathroom after my morning shower (I always do my best thinking in the shower), again considering the lack of food reviews in the local paper, as well as how to best keep in touch with extended family, it suddenly struck me. A blog! I could write about my culinary experiences as well as any updates that might interest those I love.

So here we are. After considering the idea of a blog for weeks, and being a bit scared of it, if I may confess, I've taken my mouse in hand and committed. As the title suggests, the purpose will be to channel my passion for eating into reviews, to share interesting news with family and friends, to wrestle with the fear of expressing my ideas in such a permanent medium, and perhaps even to entertain, all while fulfilling my desire for short-term gratification! Hopefully you'll read along. Comment if you like. And most of all, enjoy!